Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mommy, I want a kit too!

My 6 1/2 year old daughter saw our February kit and fell in love! It is full of pinks, reds, sparkles and shimmers - that's my Miri to a "t". She asked how much it was to buy one and then promptly got all the money she could (and asked Dad for his change jar) so she could purchase it.
The first night Miri just "oohed" over all the papers, purse and embellishments. Then she decided she wanted to make the purse first, so she picked out which papers she wanted to go on each part of the purse. I cut it out for her while she was at school; we assembled it together when she got home.
I used a set of Bazzill magnets for the closure, which she thought was so cool. We put the letter "M" from the ScrapWorks alphabet on the front. She showed everyone her new purse; even took it to the school pancake breakfast.
Both Lisa and Jennie have daughters Miri's age (6 1/2) and they love to scrapbook too, just like their moms. Miri commented that it is so fun that all the daughters (who are really close friends) love to scrapbook just like the moms (who are really close friends)! I'm grateful scrapbooking is helping to be build a stronger connection with my dear daughter! How totally cool is that!!

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