Monday, December 03, 2007

Meet Tara Van Moorsel, Our December Guest Designer!

We are so happy that Tara joined with us this month as a guest designer! She has great talent to share with us this month.

Here's a little bit about Tara...
"Hi all! My name is Tara Van Moorsel and am so excited to be part of
Scrapbook Circle for the month of December. I first started into
scrapbooking a little over three years ago. I’ve always been a little on
the crafty side, so I thought scrapbooking would just be a little fancier
than plunking my photos into photo albums. I had no idea that it would
become such an obsession! I’ve tried digital scrapbooking and sometimes use
digital elements on my pages, but I don’t think I could ever completely give
up the paper and embellishments. There’s something so soothing about the
cutting and placing and fiddling and changing that I just didn’t get from
working on a computer. I love trying on different styles and using
different techniques. And I admit that I’m not the fastest when it comes to
completing a page. I just play too much and don’t realize how much time has
passed. I don’t know whether my boys will appreciate the time (and money!)
that has gone into scrapbooking their childhoods, but I don’t think that’s
the real reason I do it anymore. It certainly started out that way … to
preserve special memories. But now … it’s really for me. I don’t know if I
could ever entirely give it up. It’s just too much fun!"

Here are a few of Tara's layouts using the December kit:

More ideas are coming soon to the Idea Gallery.

Thanks Tara!


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