Sunday, March 16, 2008

Getting Creative with the Blackboard Mini

I am in LOVE with the Cosmo Cricket mini album from this month's kit! I had every intention of completing the mini-album "as is", but somewhere along the way, my mini made it's way onto a layout. And you know what, it was just as fun!
I used one of the pages from the mini as a template and traced it onto the backside of the Jenni Bowlin polkie paper from this months kit. I then traced another template on a Hambly tranparency that I had on hand. I layered the two pieces and really liked the resulting effect! I then used the original page from the mini-album to act as my journaling block. A white Uniball Signo pen helped the journaling to stand out against the black.
Next came the fun part....I went back through past kits and used a Fancy Pants heart die-cut from the February kit to embellish my layout. A small strip of the Glitz bling from this month's kit and some alphas from my stash helped to finish it off.
The best part? I still have alot of the mini left to play with!!! Enjoy!!!


Blogger emelyn said...

Looks great, Nicole!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Love it!

12:46 PM  

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