Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Using Corkboard

I was recently browsing at IKEA and came across some cork board place mats. I immediately knew that I wanted to incorporate some cork into a layout.

Here is what I came up with:

The cord board is the base of the layout and then paper, photos and embellishments were layers on top.

I used things from both the March and May kits. The brown alphas are a mix from a few older kits.

I just love the texture the cork added to the layout!

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Blogger emelyn said...

LOVE it, Lisa!! I bet it looks really cool in person. I have some corkboard coasters from back in the day. I've been saving it for a layout, but never get around to it..haha!

12:35 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Oh cool! I love the greens, browns, and oranges together. Great page!

5:49 PM  

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