Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Pink Paislee is Coming Our Way!

Have you seen the 2 new Pink Paislee lines that are coming out at the end of October?

If you love Pink Paislee as much as we do, then we know you won't want to miss out on these 2 great lines.

We already have a great kit lined up for you in November, so we decided to offer 2 additional mini kits in November with the 2 new Pink Paislee lines.

Each mini kit will include 1 sheet of each of the patterned papers, the ribbons, rub-ons, the postcards and an alphabet. We will be selling the mini kits for only $15! Plus they ship for free with your regular kit.

You can email us to reserve your Pink Paislee kits or wait for them to come up in the add-ons section at the end of October.

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Blogger Jennifer Yates said...

Lisa, I LUVVVV THESE NEW LINES!!! SO EXCITING!! Pink Paislee is one of my favs! Thanks for all the great products! :))

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I love these:) I may not be able to choose just one;)

6:57 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

YIPPPEEEEE! =) That's all I have to say!

6:57 AM  

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