Friday, January 02, 2009

What to do with all those Christmas card photos!

Happy new year everyone! Sorry I have been missing and out of action lately. I've had houseguests for two weeks and then the stomach flu has visited each children in turn. But, I'm back now and even did some scrapping last night and I've missed it!

Every year, one of my favorite parts of Christmas is getting the mail with all the Christmas cards. I love reconnecting with family and friends and seeing their pictures and reading what they've been up to. But, then, after the holidays, what to do with all those wonderful pictures?

Last year, I came up with a great idea. I made our very own Christmas albums. They are VERY simple. I divided them into family and friends. Then, I have a few pages devoted to each family that we get cards from. So, on each layout, it will have the family name, my relation to them (are they a sibling, a college roommate, etc), and then I put in the picture along with the year).

This way, I can see how each family has grown over the years. It is so fun to look through each year as I add the newest photos! I kept my pages simple so it wasn't overwhelming. Here are a few shots for some examples.


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