Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Play with your kit scraps... play with your old kits (mix them up a little, a pp from Feb. with embellies from Dec.)... play with new techniques (see Diana's gorgeous flowers in the post below)... PLAY and enjoy your stash! I have a confession... sometimes I just don't feel like scrapping... but I almost always feel like creating. So, that's when I might make some handmade embellies or cards. During our Chick Flick Crop, I went back and used some products and handmade embellies from the October kit (one of my all time favorite kits):
The crop last weekend was a blast! I encourage you to take a peek at the photos over in the Community. Some really cool layouts and cards were created for the challenges, which are a great starting point if you are feeling uninspired. Even if scrapping a layout seems too daunting (read: I just don't have time to get out all my stuff to scrap today...), consider taking a little time to make a card, or make some pretty flowers or other embellishment. Creative PLAY is fun and good for the soul!


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