Friday, August 28, 2009

Need to find a home for those handmade cards?

If you are like me, you probably have a pile of handmade cards that are just waiting to find a home :o) We love to create for challenges, just because, etc. but don't always have a purpose for the card at the time it is completed....well, here's a suggestion for you!

Earlier this week I was surfing the web (ok, I was checking in on some of my favorite blogs...) and came across the Cards For Kate Card Drive on Jana Millen's blog, This Little Card of Mine. She has all of the details spelled out there! Go check it cards went out in the mail last night....& it gave me such a warm, fuzzy feeling...knowing that a few of my cards will hopefully bring a few smiles to this family!
Here's wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hope you get to do something scrappy!!!
Take care! Stacy


Blogger Sarah Weber said...

Seems like there is much need these days...glad you could help.

10:53 PM  

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