Friday, October 30, 2009

Using Patterned Paper...

Hi all! Sorry I have missed a few weeks of blog if life just being crazy, busy isn't enough, I have also recently fought a couple of weeks sickness :o( But I'm better now!!! Plus I got to travel to the East coast last week for my baby brother's wedding in New Jersey :o)

Today I'd like to share a layout that I created using the October kit...the kit was filled with LOTS of patterned papers, some of which I will admit, I wasn't quite sure how to use! But luckily, I came across Sketch #39 over at 52Sketches52Weeks and was totally inspired to mix & match patterned papers!

I decided to use 6, yes SIX, different patterned papers from the October kit to create the grid design...I really LOVE how this turned out!

life is full of surprises:

Another thing I love about this layout? I used my brand new EK Success Binding Edge punch...pure bliss I tell ya!

And another close up...The Sassafras Amplify Sweet Treats cardstock stickers are so cool, especially when topped with an American Crafts Glitter button!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Take care! & do something creative this weekend!



Blogger Diana Waite said...

I LOVE this layout! the paper and especially the picture--TOTALLY cute!

6:40 AM  

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