Monday, December 14, 2009

tip of the day.....

I know I've said this probably every week BUT, I LOVE this December kit! I loved it so much I didn't have a scrap of paper left to do this project, I had to use something from my stash. I did however have some chipboard and flare buttons to add:
Here are some closeups:
These are for two of my kids' teachers. You can find these clear paint cans at Michaels *remember to use your coupon* they run around $2.99. You can fill it with anything you like, I happened to LOVE bob's candy. :)



Blogger Jennie Blaser said...

these look great! Is that your new border punch you used?

11:51 AM  
Blogger Claude said...

These are so nice!
I don't know these candies, must be an American thing! :)

5:46 PM  
Blogger CalleLillyCafe said...

Super cute idea!

1:08 AM  

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