Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yet another money saving tip!

Hi! I was so excited about the last post about making my own glue dots (though I didn't have time to get to Hobby Lobby today -- next week), that I wanted to share another money-saving tip that has helped me.

I own a Silhouette (die-cutting machine). I know many of you have Cricuts, Wishblades, and other such things. One thing I hate is spending money on more and more cutting mats! After a few months (or weeks depending on my cutting rate), the mats are no longer sticky and the paper slides all over. But, they can be so expensive. So, I did some research and some experimenting. This is what I came up with and ... so far so good.

I got some Krylon Easy Tack RE-POSITIONABLE adhesive spray. It has to be that, and not the permanent adhesive. Then, I take an old mat that no longer has any stick left on it. I do this outside (fumes). I give it a generous coat and let it dry for an hour or so. Then, it is a sticky (or stickier) as the day I bought it! And, I'm sure I will have DOZENS of applications out of each can. (Use a coupon and it is about $4.). After that I cover it with wax paper (unless I have my original cover still, which I loose frequently).

After trial and error, I found that two generous coats was a little much, but one small coat was not enough. So, depending on how sticky you like your mats, take that into consideration!

Enjoy and happy cutting!



Blogger Bamabel said...

Great tip! I will have to try the spray adhesive. I restick my mats quite often as well, but have been using the really big Zig glue pen. Thanks for sharing your tip with us! I will be on the hunt for this spray! :)

8:53 AM  
Blogger Nitasha said...

Thank you for another awesome tip! Definitly a money saver!!!

12:48 PM  

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