Monday, March 19, 2007

Having Fun with the Making Memories Idol Contest!

I've been participating in the Making Memories Idol contest for the past few weeks and it has been so fun to create something new for each weekly challenge.

Each week, the public gets to vote for their favorite project and then the favorites get to move on to the next round. This week the challengers will go from 25 to 15, so every vote will count!

If you are interested in voting, you can sign up HERE. Voting is each Monday and Tuesday (ends at 4 pm Mountain Standard Time.)

Here is my project for the most recent challenge: (you can click on the image for a bigger view)

This was paper from Basic Grey and some basic items like buttons, stickers, rub-ons and ribbon from my stash. The assignment was to create something using these basic products. I am really excited about how this turned out!

Also, I used some of the paper, mask alpha and bling from our upcoming April kit for the 1st challenge. Take a look >>>

Hope you are looking forward to the April kit because it is so much fun to work with!

Remember to stop by and VOTE for your favorite project for the MM Idol Challenge!

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Blogger Chris Millar said...

Fabulous entry - I can't see them larger when I click on them though!! But from what I can see in the thumbnail it looks awesome!! Best of luck mate!

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fun idea. Good luck!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

This is such a beautiful and creative project. Adore the stuff you used on here too.

Good luck with the voting this week :)

11:39 AM  
Blogger Cami said...

Terrific work - love this project! Good luck tonight with the voting results! :)

1:06 PM  
Blogger Jen Harrison said...

I voted for you :) I am so glad your still in the race :)

8:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, thanks everyone! Made it through round 3 and now onto challenge #4. I'm so excited about it. Should be lots of fun :)

10:04 PM  

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