Monday, October 01, 2007

A little challenge...

How many of you have gone through your photos and LOVED a particular one, but didn't feel it was "good enough" to use? Well, I took this picture of my darling little Cooper over the weekend and even though it was blurry, I knew I had to use it anyway. And you know what, I *love* this layout so's one of those layouts that guarantees me a smile every time I look at it.
So, my challenge to you...scrap that imperfect photo!!! I hope that you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results.


Blogger Unknown said...

Great LO, Nicole!

8:51 PM  
Blogger emelyn said...

This is such a cute layout! I have tons of not-so-perfect photos!! LOL!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Trish said...

I love all your work on the gallery! And the inspiration, too!

8:40 PM  

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