Monday, December 31, 2007

The January Project Kit is UP!

The project kit we've put together for you this January is a perpetual calendar which is a perfect place to keep track of the important dates in your life - birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates.

Lots of fun goodies packed into this perfectly priced kit - only $12.99.

The inside pages are the perfect size for displaying up to 3 4 x 6 photos. You can easily embellish this album with the goodies included in the kit or you could go through your scraps from your past kits and finish off bits of paper and embellishments.

Click here
to see a full list of contents and for purchase information.

You could also just use this are your regular calendar for the year and number the pages just for 2008. The choice is up to you!

Check out the previous post for some pictures of Diana's calendar.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

January Project 2008

January's project is a Making Memories calendar, it's 15 x17 size makes it perfect to add 3 picture to each month!

The kit contains:

The Making Memories blank calendar

4 different ribbons

Making Memories chipboard buttons

7 Gypsies quote stickers

Making Memories paper

Scrapbook Circle Exclusive Month Tags

This fun calendar is a fabulous way to use up your stash from previous kit too! My cover here contains paper and embellishments from the October kit. If you find that you are running low on any papers there are still add on kits available! Enjoy!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Candace Harrison - Our January Guest Designer

A little bit from Candace..."I was thrilled when Lisa asked me to be the January guest designer – what an honor!

I have been scrapbooking in some fashion since elementary school (with many breaks through the years). It kicked back into high gear after I had my son (almost 9), and now he and my daughter (4) are favorite subjects.

Over the past 2 years, my scrapping has changed quite a bit. In 2006, I discovered kits and quickly became addicted! One of my first kits ever purchased was the Scrapbook Circle special edition kit that contained Scenic Route and a 7Gypsies self-inking stamp (still use the stamp and still love the paper!)

After “breaking free” of the need to scrap chronologically, I have enjoyed much freedom to preserve the memories I choose. I would define my style as fairly simple and clean, yet I often love busy patterned papers and just the right embellishments to complement my photos or story.

The January kit was so much fun to work with… and I still have quite a bit left for a few other projects I have in mind! And now I have a place to keep my memory cards without them getting lost on my messy computer desk!"

Stop by the January gallery to check out her work!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dec Sketch

Sorry it's so late, but here is a sketch using the Dec kit.
There is no place for a Title, but you can use the Arrow stickers from the kit as a title, incorporate it in with the journaling circle, or along the top or bottom is the limit :)

Monday, December 10, 2007

One more fun chipboard trick!

Try combining different combinations of the Daisy D's arrow stickers included in the December kit for a cool star! I just kept layering and trimming the edges until I came up with my desired easy and lots of fun!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Alter chipboard 3 ways

I had so much fun with the chipboard stars in the Dec. kit. I altered all 3 in different ways...each of them easy and quick!
I think the easiest to alter chipboard is to use ink. To give dimension, I used 2 different colors, one for the base--dark pink, then I inked the edges with brown. To finish it off, I outlined the edges with a black pen.

The next way to alter chipboard is to paint it. Here I used the Tim Holtz 1 step Crackle Paint. I love the results! To finish it off, I inked the edges with brown ink.
The last way I altered the chipboard star was to cover it with patterned paper. To finish off this star I used Ranger Stickles to add that extra shine!
For Dec, I challenge you to use one of these ways to alter your chipboard star!!
Thanks so much, can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Meet Tara Van Moorsel, Our December Guest Designer!

We are so happy that Tara joined with us this month as a guest designer! She has great talent to share with us this month.

Here's a little bit about Tara...
"Hi all! My name is Tara Van Moorsel and am so excited to be part of
Scrapbook Circle for the month of December. I first started into
scrapbooking a little over three years ago. I’ve always been a little on
the crafty side, so I thought scrapbooking would just be a little fancier
than plunking my photos into photo albums. I had no idea that it would
become such an obsession! I’ve tried digital scrapbooking and sometimes use
digital elements on my pages, but I don’t think I could ever completely give
up the paper and embellishments. There’s something so soothing about the
cutting and placing and fiddling and changing that I just didn’t get from
working on a computer. I love trying on different styles and using
different techniques. And I admit that I’m not the fastest when it comes to
completing a page. I just play too much and don’t realize how much time has
passed. I don’t know whether my boys will appreciate the time (and money!)
that has gone into scrapbooking their childhoods, but I don’t think that’s
the real reason I do it anymore. It certainly started out that way … to
preserve special memories. But now … it’s really for me. I don’t know if I
could ever entirely give it up. It’s just too much fun!"

Here are a few of Tara's layouts using the December kit:

More ideas are coming soon to the Idea Gallery.

Thanks Tara!