Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Candace Harrison - Our January Guest Designer

A little bit from Candace..."I was thrilled when Lisa asked me to be the January guest designer – what an honor!

I have been scrapbooking in some fashion since elementary school (with many breaks through the years). It kicked back into high gear after I had my son (almost 9), and now he and my daughter (4) are favorite subjects.

Over the past 2 years, my scrapping has changed quite a bit. In 2006, I discovered kits and quickly became addicted! One of my first kits ever purchased was the Scrapbook Circle special edition kit that contained Scenic Route and a 7Gypsies self-inking stamp (still use the stamp and still love the paper!)

After “breaking free” of the need to scrap chronologically, I have enjoyed much freedom to preserve the memories I choose. I would define my style as fairly simple and clean, yet I often love busy patterned papers and just the right embellishments to complement my photos or story.

The January kit was so much fun to work with… and I still have quite a bit left for a few other projects I have in mind! And now I have a place to keep my memory cards without them getting lost on my messy computer desk!"

Stop by the January gallery to check out her work!


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