Wednesday, April 09, 2008

April Photo Challenge

Starting this month, I thought that I'd give you a monthly photo challenge. It seems like challenges always give me the little extra push to get something done, so hopefully it will do the same for you!

The challenge: Photograph a collection. It could be something you collect (spoons, teacups, artwork, even scrapbook supplies!), a child's collection, a collection of things you have grown in your garden, the collection of book or movies you have enjoyed so far this year, the list could go on!

The great thing about photographing a collection is that it shares a nice little slice of your life right now. Things are always changing and this a a way to preserve what something is like TODAY.

For this challenge I took a picture of my daughter's desk. It is here that she stores her collection of her important things. I think it will be so fun to look back at this picture is 10, 20 , even 30 years and remember the things that are important to our 7 year old daughter right now.

If you want to take the challenge a step further, scrapbook the photo.

Here is a layout I did with my photo:

Products from this layout came from the April kit (all cardstock, patterned paper, rub-ons), the March kit (the Glitz Turquoise rhinestone frosting) and the alpha from the Unique U Project kit.

It you take the challenge, I'd love to see what you come up with! You can post your photo in our forums or post a link in the comments and I'll check it out!


Blogger emelyn said...

What a great idea!!
I've got to take pics of Jasmin's stuff..she is such a pack rat (like mama)!

12:44 PM  
Blogger Christina Carnoy said...

very cute!

7:19 PM  

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