Saturday, August 30, 2008

Card Crazy with September!!

My oh, my! That's all I gotta say about this September kit! Love it! I made a few cards to share, I used the sketch over at 2 sketches for you (I LOVE sketches!!) I am excited to see what you all do with this AWESOME kit!
*jewels, rubons, and border not included in kit.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Scrappin' with September

So, I recently uploaded some layouts to the idea gallery for September. This kit was really fun to work with. I ordered some prints in black and white cause I thought they'd really POP with some of the bright colors included in this kit!

One of my favorite layouts ended up being one about my DS learning to ride a bike. I cut out several of the more bold patterns on the PP and crumpled them up, then used pop dots to make them stick up and out a bit. I haven't used those foam dots forever! Here is some detail on the layout:

Another favorite was a photo of my DH. I just like how the black and white photo contrasts with all the bright colors.

Hope you enjoy your september kit and I'm SO looking forward to seeing your creations!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meet Our New Design Team Members!

After HOURS of carefully reading many, many applications to our design team, we have made a decision!

Here are our new DT members and a couple samples of their work...

Jennifer Yates
Jen Davis

Candace Harrison

Marcee Rodgers

They will start working with our kits in October.

Jennie Blaser is staying on as a DT member and Diana Waite is continuing as our Project kit designer and is adding on as our challenge/contest coordinator.

Big thanks to Emelyn and Nicole for all of the wonderful work that have done on our DT! August is Nicole's last month and Emelyn will end with her fabulous designs from the September kit.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Travel Album is Finished!

I used the Travel Journal Kit to put together a travel album for my trip to Spain this summer.

Before leaving on my vacation, I covered all of the pages of the Tinkering Ink album where I left space for journaling and pictures.

During the trip I took time each day to journal and collect tickets, brochures, coasters and any other thing I thought would be nice to save in this album.

I ordered all of the pictures from because I could order 2 X 2 inch pictures which is the perfect size for this album.

I love the windows and clear pages in this album. It really makes layering so much fun!

I used ticket stubs, boarding passes and coasters as a base for some photos. This allowed me to create extra pages while sharing memorabilia.

The 2 X 2 inch pictures were a perfect fit for this album. It was great for giving an overview of the entire trip in a mini album.

Not only is this kit a great way to record a vacation, you could use it to share favorite sites around your hometown, make a wish list of travel locations (see Diana's Blog post) or even make the album about who you are as a person and where you hope to go in your life.

We have a few kits left, so get one while you can!


Hey all,

This week, while Lisa and I are deciding on the newest design team members -- which is so hard since we have SO many applicants -- I thought I'd put a challenge out there and see what you come up with. Here it is:

Use some random scrapbook supply or embellishment that you haven't even looked at or used for OVER 3 years! (Or about that long) -- dig deep, go through your stash of what 'used' to be hot and use it again!

Recently, I found some long-forgotten colored wire from Making Memories -- remember when wire was all the rage? Well, I twisted and looped it and made my own doodling line with it on the following layout. Here it is! Enjoy and I can't wait to see what you come up with! Post your pics in the photo section and label them challenge!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

August Kit - Cards!

I've been having so much fun with the August kit. I just love the bright and summery colors!

Thought I'd share a couple of cards I've put together with the kit.

Don't you just love the Jenni Bowlin Ticket? I think I need a huge roll of them!
(The number stickers and birthday rub-on are from previous kits

I pulled out my handy paper distressor for this one. Love how it add a bit of dimension in no time!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I got to play a bit with the September kit today and had a great time!

Here's what I came up with...

I really love how the Pink Paislee Vintage Moon and American Crafts Moda Bella look together.

Full kit pictures will be up on the 27th.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

August Sketch!

Here is a sketch for you all to try! It's really simple and can help you complete your layout in a few minutes :) I would like you to try to incorporate journaling bits. Here I used 2 sheets from the MM Journaling pad included in the kit. You can even use regular PP and hand-draw some lines. If you don't have a large photo, go ahead and use a few smaller photos. The possibilities are endless!! Have fun!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

September Peeks!

Here's a look at what you have to look forward to in September.
This Pink Paislee paper has such gorgeous detail! The pictures really don't do it justice.

Kits will be shipping next week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Favorites w/ the August Project

Hello all,

I had a lot of fun making a family favorites album with the August project kit. I've gotten a lot of feedback from the community about it, so, I thought I'd go through a few of the steps and tell a bit more about it.

I used my Xacto knife to cut out front and back covers for both ends of the album. Then, I mod podged them on, so they are on there really secure. I love mod podge! Next, with the oodles of paper I had in this kit, I cut all sorts of strips up and decorated each page. This was so easy, I just did it while watching the Olympics!

I decided to choose a few fun categories of some of our family favorites. The categories I chose were: Books, Friends, Food, TV Shows, Stuff, Clothes, Pictures, and Quotes -- to remember some of the classic sayings of the kids this year. I involved the kids in choosing the stuff!

It was a great project to do, and one I hope to continue each year!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Recycle and Reuse

We are in an era of "thinking green." We are more cautious of our natural resources, thriving for cleaner air, and finding ways to reduce our dumps. One small way we can help our world is by reusing packaging materials. To make it even easier, scrapbook manufacturers are using more creative ways of packaging and pretty, too!!

For my layout and card, I used the packaging from the Making Memories Alphabet. I cut off the top section that said "Noteworthy" and covered up some other information with flowers and a strip of paper. For the card, I used the backing as is and just cut up some company information. Maybe next time you are about to throw something away, you can reuse it for something else....thanks so much...think GREEN :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We've been plotting and scheming...

We now have our kits planned and ordered through January. So many fun things coming your way!

A big thanks to Jennie and Diana (from our DT) for meeting up with me narrow down the kits to our most favorite products.

Thought you would like to know what is coming your way soon, so here are the paper lines you have to look forward to:

Pink Paislee Vintage Moon
American Crafts Moda Bella

Fancy Pants Daily Grind
October Afternoon Hometown

Basic Grey Ambrosia
Collage Press Jackson Lodge

Christmas lines from Prima, October Afternoon, Heidi Swapp and Bo Bunny

Collage Press Camden
Prima Youth

Of course, we've planned lots of fun embellishments too, but we have to keep a few secrets to yourselves!

(This list may be adjusted if manufacturers do not ship according to their current time lines.)

Friday, August 08, 2008

Scrapbook Circle Design Team Call!

We are excited to announce that we are looking for 2 new members for our design team!

Here are all of of the details:

What's in it for you?
-Our monthly kits of newly released scrapbook supplies delivered to you!
-Exposure on Scrapbook Circle's gallery, blog and community
-A chance to share what you love with others
-25% off any extras you want to purchase (shipped free with your kit!)

What do you do if you are chosen?
-Complete 4 layouts each month using the kit of the month
-Post weekly on our blog
-Create something with the mini project in the kit
-Participate in our forums/community
-Commit to a 6 month design team term

How do you apply?
Email the following to

-5 images of your favorite layouts you have created
-Link to your blog (if you have one)
-Short bio including why you want to be on our design team
-List of other current design teams you participate on
-List of any scrapbook forums where you regularly participate

All entries are due by Monday, August 25.

We will announce the new design team members by Friday, August 29th. The new DT members will start with the October kit.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

August 2008 Wall Hanging

OMG! I am so in love with this kit. I created a bunch of layouts and this really fun and EASY wall hanging!! To make things easier for me, I painted all the edges with pink paint. Once it dried, I inked up the edges with Colorbox Chalk Ink, Next, I cut patterned paper. The long section was 11.25 x 4". The 3 small sections were 3.25 x 3". I also inked the edges of those pieces.

Next was the fun part!! I embellished my title with the cool Making Memories alpha from the kit and cut out the orange flowers from the October Afternoon paper. I added some bling, Stickles, and buttons to finish it off. The dimensions of my photos are: 4.5 x 3.5 and the 3 small ones "should" be 2.75 x 2.5. I accidently cut Joey a little too small..LOL! Oh, well!!

The longest part of this project was the paint drying and figuring out what pictures I would use..haha! But as the paint is drying you can work on inking up the papers and embellishing...FUN STUFF!!