Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Favorites w/ the August Project

Hello all,

I had a lot of fun making a family favorites album with the August project kit. I've gotten a lot of feedback from the community about it, so, I thought I'd go through a few of the steps and tell a bit more about it.

I used my Xacto knife to cut out front and back covers for both ends of the album. Then, I mod podged them on, so they are on there really secure. I love mod podge! Next, with the oodles of paper I had in this kit, I cut all sorts of strips up and decorated each page. This was so easy, I just did it while watching the Olympics!

I decided to choose a few fun categories of some of our family favorites. The categories I chose were: Books, Friends, Food, TV Shows, Stuff, Clothes, Pictures, and Quotes -- to remember some of the classic sayings of the kids this year. I involved the kids in choosing the stuff!

It was a great project to do, and one I hope to continue each year!


Blogger CalleLillyCafe said...

Loving this idea!! Great work!

8:36 PM  
Blogger emelyn said...

This is awesome, Jennie!! I love how you used it for a Family album...great way to document everyday life!!

9:06 AM  

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