Monday, August 18, 2008

Recycle and Reuse

We are in an era of "thinking green." We are more cautious of our natural resources, thriving for cleaner air, and finding ways to reduce our dumps. One small way we can help our world is by reusing packaging materials. To make it even easier, scrapbook manufacturers are using more creative ways of packaging and pretty, too!!

For my layout and card, I used the packaging from the Making Memories Alphabet. I cut off the top section that said "Noteworthy" and covered up some other information with flowers and a strip of paper. For the card, I used the backing as is and just cut up some company information. Maybe next time you are about to throw something away, you can reuse it for something else....thanks so much...think GREEN :)


Blogger CalleLillyCafe said...

I keep pkg too! Love this LO & card!

8:29 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Just darling! Great ideas! Thanks for sharing them with us.

12:45 PM  

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