Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September Mini Book :)

I was super excited to receive this mini book in the kit. I've been stalking it because I love Jenni Bowlin, I love the shaped, I love the lined papers inside, and I love the cute small size!! I did use some of the papers inside for journaling and title blocks in some layouts, but I used the rest of it for a mini book---perfect for Grandparent's Day!!

I used small photos for this mini book, ack! I can't remember this size and I don't have it with me...sorry! This book was put together in less than 1 hour. I adhered the photos directly on the inside pages. Then I just dressed them up with flowers from my stash. I also had the kids write something on the opposite page...even our sweet 21 month old Joey :) I always give my parents something handmade--album, canvas, set of cards, etc... My mom is not a crafty type. It doesn't even seem she is very interested in what I do and the things I give her. True, she does display them in her home, but she never really talks about them...oh well..LOL! BUT---I was getting a receipt in her purse the other day and I saw the mini book in there!! My heart leaped with joy. She really appreciated this one and although it was a simple gift, I felt like it was the best one I've given. THANKS for everything Mom and Dad!!

You can check out the rest of the mini book in the Sept Gallery. THANK YOU so much for taking a peek :)


Blogger Diana Waite said...

This is such a cute idea! My parents went to grandparents day at the kid's school, and I wanted to do a thank you. This is a GREAT idea!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Great idea Emelyn! I love that you had your kids write in the album. I'm happy that your mom was excited about it.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this!!! It is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing:)

7:53 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

So cute, thanks for sharing!

6:57 AM  

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