Saturday, October 18, 2008

Spooky Banner

This past week I pulled out all of my Halloween scrapbooking goodies and decided to make a "Spooky" banner for our entryway.

It was so much fun to play with all of these Halloween goodies!

Here's a look at the entire banner:
Many of the supplies I used came from our Halloween kit from last year, but I also used other products from Imaginisce and Teresa Collins glitter letter.

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Blogger Candace H said...

GREAT banner, Lisa!

10:27 AM  
Blogger Jennie Blaser said...

Hey, I want to see a picture of the whole thing together! :) Good job!

10:41 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

Totally love this...I too want to see a picture of the whole thing!

11:32 AM  

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