Saturday, October 11, 2008

JOY to the world...

Okay, so this has nothing to do with the Scrapbook Circle October kit, but I know we have a lot of blog readers who are so extra creative in many areas, that I thought this would be a fun thing to blog about.

Two weeks ago I taught a fun class for our local church on these JOY letters. They are made by rusty pickle, but I know several other companies make similar letters -- smaller, larger, etc.

I love these thick chipboard letters because you get two for the price of one. You get the positive letters (the actual letters) and the negative letters. I had my DH cut some 2X6 pieces of wood about 11 inches tall and sanded and painted them for the positive set of letters (the black ones). Then, I got some fun paper, used my xacto knife to cut the paper in the exact shape of the letters, glued them on top and Voila! Fun Christmas embellishment #1.

With the negative letters, I covered the top (cutting OUT the shape of the letter with my exacto knife) with one patterned paper and used a contrasting, more solid color for behind the letter (in the back of the chipboard). Then, I mod podged the whole thing, cut holes in the top and bottom and threaded ribbon through and voila! Fun Christmas embellishment #2.
Now, the only question -- which one do I give away???? (or do I keep them both...)


Blogger Diana Waite said...

I LOVE them both! Awesome job Jennie!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Yates said...

These are beautiful!! Tough decision!! Great job!

6:05 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

Love these so much!

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful Jennie!!

12:17 PM  

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