Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It's The Everday Moments

Hi All! Just thought I'd pop in and share a layout that I did using the October "Share the News" kit (which I just love!). This one is of my daughter playing at my mom and step-dad's house...she loves playing around outside with their dogs and getting into mischief with her grandpa ross!

A tip for coming up with title-work ideas:

I've noticed that a lot of scrapbook manufacturer's are coming out with papers that are divided into strips (that you would then cut out yourself) and that some of them have phrases or random words on them. The next time that you are struggling to come up with a title for your layout why not think about using one of those paper strips as part of your layout title? That's what I did for the layout above by cutting the "Everyday Moments" strip from my piece of patterned paper included in my kit this month! If you create a layout using this tip please be sure to share a link here in the comments so that I can come and check it out!



Blogger Candace H said...

Love your layout! I, too, used one of the strips for my first l/o with the Oct. kit. Check the gallery for it ;o). This kit has so much going on - lots of ways to scrap with it!

11:24 AM  

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