Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Holiday Cocoa & Treat Bags

Has anyone started their holiday crafting yet? I have! Just thought I'd share a super easy trick to make some super cute and festive goodies to give for those little, last minute gift ideas that always seem to creep up on us around the holiday season.

Cocoa mixes are on sale here so I loaded up on several boxes of the ones sold in individual packets and found some small zip-lock baggies at my local dollar store. I simply opened each packet of cocoa and poured contents into each baggie, sealed and covered the top with patterned paper that I used adhesive on, folded and then stapled (with colored staples) to secure. Then I embellished however I saw fit with scalloped circles, stamps, ribbons, etc!

A super fun and easy way to get started on your holiday crafting! =) Have fun and please share your holiday projects with us all as well! The more ideas shared, the better!

Jen Davis


Blogger Jennie Blaser said...

These are adorable! I just bought some cocoa on sale, now I'm wishing I bought more!

3:25 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Yates said...

Jen I LOVE this! I'm so doing this for Mason's teachers! Thanks for the inspiration! :))

3:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

what a great idea! thanks for sharing this tip

3:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

These look great, Jen! Great idea.

4:40 PM  

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