Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keeping it Simple

I can spend a lot of time on one layout or card. Sometimes I have to leave my project alone and come back to it later-possibly days later! When this starts to happen often, I realize I am starting to burn out and I need to do something different. That is when I go back to keeping it simple. I might use minimal patterned paper and minimal pre-made embellishments.

Or make a card using a simple sketch , no patterned paper and stickers.

I love being able to get something accomplished without pressuring myself for perfection. It brings back my passion for creating. Decembers Scrapbook Circle kit is perfect for whatever your style may be. I love the mix of traditional, modern and bold patterns in the kit and the embellishments can take you any direction you choose. Oh! And don't forget about the Pink Paislee Add-ons-the kits are incredible and fun!


Blogger Candace H said...

I agree, Marcee - sometimes it is so "freeing" to go "simple"! Pretty layout and card!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Love these simple ideas!

1:10 PM  

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