Monday, December 15, 2008

tip of the day....

Truth be told I am pretty frugal with my time & money. And with the economy the way it is I am trying to make my money work for me. I wanted to share a few things with you that have helped me enjoy this holiday season SO MUCH more!!

*when making more than one of the same item: do an assembly line. For example I made 3 photo books (they were different papers) but I still did each design on the page the same. (it saved me time in having to think up a new design!)

*if you make goodies for neighbors and friends, bake and freeze them. (and yes they taste perfectly fine!) This saves you from going crazy with cookie marathons.

*watch your ads, I bought 4 items at Target 3 weeks ago, the next week 2 items came on sale, and this week 2 more items came on sale. I saved an additional $33! (granted this doesn't always happen, but it does more than you think.)

*coupons and ad matching at Walmart. LOVE it! If you have the ad handy and they carry it, they'll match it, no matter what it is!

*wrap your gifts when you get them, or wrap them a little at a time so you aren't up Christmas eve stressed out because they aren't wrapped! (not all mine are wrapped but a lot are...)

*items that have more than one use. Diamond glaze is my new love! It is not only a dimensional glaze but a glue too!
*one last thing, if you have never had a chance to buy a Scrapbook Circle kit it's so worth the investment, you get a TON of quality product! (and no Lisa is not paying me to say this, it's the truth!)



Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

Awesome post Diana! I am right there with you regarding the "assembly line" approach, thanks for all the other tips as well!

9:10 PM  

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