Thursday, January 08, 2009

Having fun with Cards...

There are so many awesome projects and layouts that are coming from the January Kit "U ROCK!" When I first saw it I thought it had somewhat of a grunge feel to it, which in my opinion you can scrap so many different ways. I fell in love with the Prima Youth Epoxy Stickers and wanted to do a card set that might appeal to the "younger/hip" crowd! Although I always consider myself hip no matter how old I am!! (ha!)
I do have to share a really cool item I found at Hobby Lobby and incorporated it into the letters of the card. Has anyone seen this? It was so fun and super easy to use. Although the picture doesn't pick up on the texture as well as I would like. It actually gives anything you want a soft velvet texture! Totally cool product! All you have to do is apply a liquid adhesive to whatever you would like to embellish and sprinkle on the flock! The little jars are really cute too!
If you haven't picked up the January kit yet it is not to late...check out the awesome gallery to see all the great ideas!
Happy Scrappin'!


Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

These ROCK Jennifer!

8:54 AM  
Blogger Diana Waite said...

These are so AWESOME!!!

9:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

These are great cards! I just picked up some red flock a couple of weeks ago and now you've given me an idea on how to use it!

10:24 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

wow I love these!!!!!!!!!!!! Really so cool

7:41 AM  

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