Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just a PHASE?

Happy Saturday all,

I like to scrap 'out of the box' sometimes and capture moments and feelings as much as possible, in addition to all the 'events' in life. So, I'm working on a layout to represent some of the PHASES and CRAZES I have in my life. Here is my challenge to you: Scrap a page about some things that you are really into right now. For me it is these large Sudoku puzzles (25 by 25) and eating vanilla yogurt with granola and cut up fruit. YUM! It's a phase -- I know in a few months I'll have completely forgotten all about my yummy creation and those puzzles will look like a waste of time. BUT, not right now.

What are some CRAZES and PHASES you are into? Let's see those layouts. (You'll have to wait until next week for mine! I'm still working on it!).


Blogger Jennifer Davis said...

Oh, fun challenge Jennie!

7:57 AM  
Blogger Diana Waite said...

hmmm...I will have to DEFINITELY think on this one!

2:51 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Yates said...

I like this too! I will be thinking!

8:27 PM  
Blogger Liz Chidester said...

Great challenge! I'll have to think about this...

6:13 PM  
Blogger CalleLillyCafe said...

Don't know if I can fit them ALL on one layout!!

11:06 AM  

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