Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Removing Rub-Ons...Did You Know?

This week while I was reading my January 2009 issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine (getting inspiration from my favorite paper crafting magazines is something that I love to do when the weather is so cold (yes, it's still cold where I am!) and I most often opt to spend my time indoors staying cozy and warm) I stumbled upon a useful tip that I just had to share.

One of my favorite, must-have tools when paper crafting is the Adhesive Pick-Up (available at many craft stores) that is manufactured by Therm O Web. It's saved many projects from going awry when I somehow had gotten adhesive somewhere (like on a photo on a scrapbook layout). All you do is use the Adhesive Pick-Up just as you would an eraser, "erasing" the adhesive. Well, now the even more exciting news, is that you can use it to erase rub-ons as well! I can't tell you how many times I have used rub-ons and the transfer didn't end up being complete and I had to just toss the whole project or start over somehow covering up my mistake. Well, now with my Adhesive Pick-Up that will no loner be an issue, I can just "erase" my rub-on!



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