Saturday, August 08, 2009

Starting School

My kids start school on Monday. I know Lisa's kids are already back in -- and most of you still have a few weeks. Are you ready? I still have to make one last trip to Target... and make their lunches tomorrow night...

I'm glad my kids are still young enough to be excited about going back to school. I have a 4th grader and a 2nd grader and a pre-schooler. So, we've chosen out their outfits for the first day. Now, my question to you is... any unique picture ideas? Have you seen any layouts or pictures that were different than the typical 'stand by the door with your backpack on' pictures? One year, I took a picture of my kids from behind as they walked across the park to school. I liked that.

I'm looking for fun ideas! I promise to try them out and then scrapbook them with the August kit. This one is perfect for school!



Blogger Aphra Bolyer said...

Doesn't sound like your kids ride the bus, but in case they do, a picture of all three of them on the bus steps would be fun. This year I plan to take a photo of mine while he gets ready...the clock beside his bed, him brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, dressed, and then walking to the bus. Good luck! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Great ideas Aphra! My sil took a picture of her 2 boys each year with them holding up fingers to represent their grade...I always thought that was a fun idea...& the boys even played along thru high school.

8:20 PM  

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