Monday, August 03, 2009

tip of the day....

Have you ever wanted to include cardboard on a layout or card? I knew I wanted to try this technique.

Wotcha' need is:
1. a piece of cardboard. I happened to luck out and find one in my package of yogurt from Sam's club, it was small enough I didn't have to cut it to a manageable size.
2. a shape, I cut these snowflakes from my cricut. I then traced then on the back of my cardboard. Then I cut it out, CAREFULLY pulled the top off, then inked, stamped, and embossed it!--you don't have to do all those steps. You can stop after you pull the top off.
here is the finished project:


Blogger Claude said...

Thanks for showing this, I was wondering how you did it!

3:23 PM  

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