Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tip of the day

If you're like me, you like dimension on your layouts. That's why pop-dots were invented! But pop-dots aren't only to pop-up a *whole* element; they can also be used to pop just *part* of it.

I must come clean and tell you this tip didn't originate from me. My pal NoƩmi told me about it. In the above layout, I wanted the leaves to pop-up while the stem stayed flat on the paper. Before I got this tip, I would've simply curled them up a little and left them as-is. But think about it... What do you think would happen to the curled up leaves once they were in my album? That's right, they'd go flat. Now, I put small pop-dots under them. That way, once the layout is in my album, it'll keep all the dimension I was going for!

Always remember this: pop-dots are your friends! :)



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