Friday, October 30, 2009

November goodness

I'm am absolutely in love with this November kit. I want to use everything on every LO! But, I'm forcing myself to scale back and spread out the joy. In this layout, I was roughly following a sketch from a book that had four photographs in it. I only had three for this particular event. So, I just layered a bunch of the journaling cards and stickers and stuck the title in as my fourth photo! It may look messy, but that is part of the appeal of this kit -- so many colors to choose from!
So, if you have a sketch that you love, but not the pictures to match it, just use some embellishments to substitute for the missing photos! I'm sure you'll like the result!


Using Patterned Paper...

Hi all! Sorry I have missed a few weeks of blog if life just being crazy, busy isn't enough, I have also recently fought a couple of weeks sickness :o( But I'm better now!!! Plus I got to travel to the East coast last week for my baby brother's wedding in New Jersey :o)

Today I'd like to share a layout that I created using the October kit...the kit was filled with LOTS of patterned papers, some of which I will admit, I wasn't quite sure how to use! But luckily, I came across Sketch #39 over at 52Sketches52Weeks and was totally inspired to mix & match patterned papers!

I decided to use 6, yes SIX, different patterned papers from the October kit to create the grid design...I really LOVE how this turned out!

life is full of surprises:

Another thing I love about this layout? I used my brand new EK Success Binding Edge punch...pure bliss I tell ya!

And another close up...The Sassafras Amplify Sweet Treats cardstock stickers are so cool, especially when topped with an American Crafts Glitter button!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Take care! & do something creative this weekend!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Corrugated Alphas

I love the corrugated alpha letters that are in the November kit. The texture is really great and they can easily be distressed or altered. On the lo below I've added color the letters with some Versa Color ink to get them a bit of dimension. I look forward to seeing how you use these letters. Make sure to upload your creations in the Scrapbook Circle gallery.

Happy scrapping!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In the meantime...

Well, I'm smack-dab in the middle of a move because of renos in our house. I was hoping to have another layout as a peek from the November kit, but did not manage to photograph it in time.

So here's a little fun layout from the October kit with the fun robots from Bella Blvd! They are adorable!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Winner and Full November Kit

Wow, thank you to everyone who suggested names for our November kit. So many wonderful and creative ideas. With the help of our design team, we narrowed down the name to Radiant Harvest.

Congrats to Lorraine for suggesting the kit name. We have sent you an email and will get a kit out to you.

Now, without further ado, here is our full November kit. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Be sure to stop by our November kit page to check out the full list of goodness.

Thanks for playing along with naming our kit!


tip of the day.....

today I wanted to explain how to make these leaves:
It's REALLY easy!
1.Hand cut out your leaves.
2. then distress the edges.
3.Fold it in half and run it through your crimper.
4. Finally,distress the center. And your done!

Here is the page I added this flower to:


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Loving the Kaiser Rub-ons

If you were lucky enough to pick up an October kit, I hope that you have had some fun playtime with it!

I just put this layout together using the kit. Everything on this LO is from the October kit except for the white cardstock background.
I loved using the Kaiser rub-ons from the kit. I used 3 different rub-ons and really liked the results from layering them.

A few people have shared their October kit creations in our member gallery. If you have something to share, we'd love to see it!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tiny Peek - November Kit!!!

I've been hard at work playing with the fantastic November kit!!! It is so divine and colorful! I'm on cloud 9!!! ;)

I thought I'd share some tiny sneak peeks of my first lo!

I hope you have enjoyed this preview! I'm sure there is more to follow from the DT.

Happy scrapping!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A little November sneek!

You will LOVE the November kit, trust me! I don't even have the entire kit in my hands yet and I already love it! :)

Here, I made a simple card using the Crate papers, stickers, rub-ons, and a Kaiser Craft pearl. I also added a border with a punch and highlighted the sticker with some Stickles.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 19, 2009

tip of the day.....

I LOVE to machine sew on my cards and scrapbook pages! Here are some tips to help you:
*Always practice with a scrap piece of paper first,

there is no second chances with paper

Loosen your sewing tension when using paper as it doesn't need to be as tight as if you
were sewing on fabric

It's fun to use colored thread so buy some funky ones

Go slow.

Take your time when doing delicate designs so you don't make a mistake

Use fiber when hand stitching

Have fun!!!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

October Inspiration

Have you stopped by our October Idea Gallery to check out all of the great design team inspiration?

Here's a look at what everyone has been up to...

Stacy MilfordJennie Blaser
Diana Waite
Claude Campeau
Be sure to stop by the idea gallery for more great ways to use your October kit!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

November Peeks + a Contest

We are very excited to share peeks of our November kit with you!

The November kit hasn't been named yet and this is where you can help us. Leave a comment letting us know what you would name the kit. If you use your kit name, you will get a FREE November kit. How cool is that?
Paper from Crate, Lily Bee and Cosmo Cricket.Loving this corrugated alpha from Jillbean soup.
Can't wait to here you kit name ideas! (Deadline for entering is Saturday, October 24.)

PLUS, just for fun, here is a little look at our December kit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Who needs paper?

I'm a simple scrapper at heart. Sure, I sometimes deviate from my usual style of scrapping but in the end, I always come back to the simple style. That's why I love this card so much. White cardstock (Bazzill in Lily White is my favourite!), a few stickers and rub-ons can give you a stunning card. No need for pattern paper! Give it a shot, I'm sure you'll love it!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

tip of the day.....

I saw this yesterday on Jennifer Mcguire's blog and just wanted to share it with you, the possibilities are ENDLESS for this idea:
What's cool with the measurements you can make 3 of these with one sheet of 12 x 12 paper!
Some ideas would include, Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, birthdays, you name it you can use it!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Even more about those Kaiser rub-ons

One of my absolute favorite parts of the October kit is the fun Kaiser rub-ons. I love the way Claude used them as a circle! I think I used them in some form or another on every single card or layout I made. They just added so much! Here is a very simple card I made with everything coming from the October kit (except the green paper I used to mat the sticker with). I even used the leftover rub-0n on the inside mat at the bottom just to bring everything all together. Enjoy your October kit and let's see how you used those adorable rub-ons!


Friday, October 09, 2009

The Kit that Keeps Giving

I have been having so much fun creating with the September kit (we still have a couple left!)

Here's a look at what I put together last week for one of my sisters for her 30th birthday.

I put the album together from scratch. All of the pages at 9 x 6 inches. Since the paper was all double-sided, it was perfect for building an album. I didn't have to put the paper back to back since it was patterned on both sides.

Here's a look at the album.

For the front and back covers, I did cover chipboard just to give the book some stability.

If you want to see all of the pages in the album you can go here.

Hope you are enjoying creating with the September kit as much as I am!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Today I would like to share with you a little trick to use white space on a picture. On the picture below there was a lot of white space, my daughter was the main focus in the center of the picture. I strategically placed my title so it would fill in the white space. I love the overlapping of the title with the picture. I hope you will try this fun technique on your los.

Happy scrapping!


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Using rub-ons in a different way.

In the October kit, there are these awesome border rub-ons by Kaiser Craft. I love the Kaiser rub-ons because they go on very easily, yet wont come off when you don't want them to come off.

I decided to use them in a different way on the following layout. I lightly traced a circle on my paper and then rubbed every part of the rub-on to follow the curve. I really like the end result!

See you next week!


Monday, October 05, 2009

tip of the day.....

today I wanted to show you a neat little trick! I used my magic mesh as a mask to create this background for my layout:
What you will need:
white cardstock
magic mesh
distress ink
ink applicator

1. To create this look you need to place magic mesh on top of your cardstock, make sure that it is in place before continuing. (mine was sticky so it stayed down really well.)
2. Next you will take your applicator and ink it up well and rub it on top of your mesh. Once you have covered the area desired. Remove it and line up the mesh with the already inked area. 3. Continue until you have covered your whole page.
That's it! Easy Peasy! Here is the finished page:
Supplies used from the October kit! Hope to see some fun examples in the gallery of masking techniques!


Sunday, October 04, 2009

Using the # cards in your title

The October kit has some fun number cards in it. I was able to use them in this layout as part of the title. This was about a swimming relay, so the long title is: 8 laps, 4 teammates, 1 victory.

So, do you have a layout where you can incorporate numbers into the title? Some examples: "1" fine day; "4" ever. If so, use the number cards as part of your title. It adds some fun color and is just something different!

Friday, October 02, 2009

September Card Sketch Challenge WINNER!!!

First of all, HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!!! on to announcing our winner :o)

I put all of the entries into a bucket......

Tossed them around a bit.....

Did some more shaking.....

& tossing.....

Gotta keep this fair, ya know????

Closed my eyes.....

and pulled out the name of our September Card Sketch Challenge winner.....

& the winner is..............................CARRIE!!! Here is the wonderful card that she created:

And a LINK to Carrie's card in our gallery (go leave her some LOVE!!!)

Congrats, Carrie! Here's the sweet prize you have won:

Carrie, to claim your scrappy prize, send Lisa Andrews your contact info via private message....'cause I know she can't wait to send your goodies!!!

Thanks to everyone who played along :o) I loved all of your cards!!! Stay never know when we will do this again!

Take care!


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Full October Kit - Carnival Delights - is here!

We are thrilled to share our October kit with you today! We love all of the bright, happy colors and all of the little touches that make this kit special.
We have 10 amazing sheets of patterned paper in this kit from Sassafras Amplify, Bella Blvd. Super Stud and Bella Blvd. Camped Out.
We have two different types of journaling tags from Sabby Chic crafts. Here's a look at the quote bubble that are in the kit. Each kit will get different styles.Take a look at the full list of goodies in the kit here.