Friday, October 30, 2009

November goodness

I'm am absolutely in love with this November kit. I want to use everything on every LO! But, I'm forcing myself to scale back and spread out the joy. In this layout, I was roughly following a sketch from a book that had four photographs in it. I only had three for this particular event. So, I just layered a bunch of the journaling cards and stickers and stuck the title in as my fourth photo! It may look messy, but that is part of the appeal of this kit -- so many colors to choose from!
So, if you have a sketch that you love, but not the pictures to match it, just use some embellishments to substitute for the missing photos! I'm sure you'll like the result!



Blogger Unknown said...

I totally love all the whimsical details of this kit! Your LO is great:)

6:47 PM  
Blogger Stacy Milford said...

LOVE your layout Jennie! All of your little details ROCK!

10:11 AM  

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