Saturday, November 14, 2009

Printing Journaling

Sometimes there is just a lot of journaling required for a layout. In this layout, I had a pretty big story to tell. So, I went to my computer to type it up. I positioned the paragraph to be at the bottom of the page. Then, I simply trimmed one of the papers from the kit to 8 1/2 inches wide. Then, I printed it onto the paper and tore it off at the bottom.
Normally, I always recommend writing your own journaling because it is much more personal than the computer. However, when there is just a lot to be said, this is a great solution!


Blogger Susanne said...

If for some reason you can't put your paper through the printer, you can print on an overhead transparency and attach it to the layout. That is a favorite technique of mine.

2:37 PM  

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