Friday, December 25, 2009

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Just popping in today to wish everyone a wonderful day, spent with the ones you love. Enjoy this special time of year! and remember the reason for the season.

Here's a layout I created using the December kit "Reindeer Games":

This layout documents the "tradition" of getting new PJ's for Christmas each year...and yes, my boys got new PJ's again this year too!

The Crate Paper line of goodies in this kit is amazing...especially the TONS of chipboard included!

Before I sign off, just want to say THANK YOU to everyone that has supported me through my term on the design team here at Scrapbook are all wonderful! Thanks AGAIN to Lisa for giving me the opportunity! & looking forward to seeing what the new team creates for 2010!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Take care!



Blogger Daniella said...

What a sweet lay out! We also give pj's for Christmas. We give them out on Christmas eve, so the family doesn't look like a bunch of homeless people! (like we usually do! lol)

I hope to still see you on the mb Stacy!! I just got here and you have been so sweet!

No matter what, scrappy trails!!

7:25 PM  

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