Thursday, February 25, 2010

Easy Ribbon Tutorial

Hey guys! Happy Thursday! Today I wanted to share a ribbon tutorial with you. I had posted this tutorial on my own blog about a year ago, but I still get lots of questions asking how I do this. So I thought I would share it again with all of you.

For this technique, you will need:

1. Permanent Adhesive (I use the Permanent AdTech Glue Runner from Wal Mart)(Helmar adhesive would work great for this as well.)
2. Ribbon of your choice
3. Scissors
4. Staples/Sewing (optional)

First, I like to take my glue runner and lay down 2 strips of adhesive from one side of the card to the next. I do this directly on top of each other to give me a wide area of adhesive for the ribbon to adhere to:

Next, I leave the ribbon attached to the spool until I am ready to cut it off at the end, which you will see later in the tutorial. I do this because there is no exact measurement that you will need. It will all depend on the distance you are going and how much ribbon you like. I like to start on the left hand side of whatever I am working on. You will take the end of the ribbon and adhere it down about half way up the wide strip of adhesive at the very edge of your card. Press down to secure.

Now, going the other direction, lay your ribbon as show and press down to secure.

You will want to go in a back and forth motion and overlap a little each time. This overlapping will help to hide any adhesive from showing through.

I like to vary the length of mine up a bit for added interest and to make it easier on me! LOL

Once you get to the end, it will look like this...

From here, you will want to cut your ribbon from the spool leaving about 1 and 1/2"...

Fold over...

Then you will want to adhere it all the way to the far edge like you did at the beginning of the technique; keeping in mind to leave about half of the adhesive showing. Press down to adhere.

Then, I like to use my fingers to press down the middle of the ribbon to secure everything really well...

Voila'! You are done!!!

The permanent adhesive will hold this on it's own, but I have also added staples and stitching to the center for extra added interest and security.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial! I promise, this is so simple and so fun!!! Give it a try on your cards, layouts, or altered projects today! Happy Scrappin'!


Blogger Heather said...

That is very creative! I don't think I've ever seen ribbon styled like that. Thanks for sharing.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Suzi said...

Great tip, thanks! I'm definitely going to give this a try.

6:23 PM  
Blogger anne g-i said...

I saw this today and gave it a try on a card - I like the effect and I'd use this again! Thanks for the tutorial. If you want to take a peek at my card:

2:34 PM  
Blogger CarrieB said...

Hey all! I was totally pumped to try this and use up some of the ribbon I have been hoarding for years! Check my attempt out at:

8:59 PM  

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