Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another Wheel from the May kit

When I first got the wheel, I was really unsure what to do with it....1 for our family using each hole for the kids, DH & I, and 1 family picture. Use it as a chore chart...but I don't know what chores my kids do...LOL. Or use it for fav pictures? I decided to use it for our trip to the Holy Land. It was perfect! I use the different openings for the different places we visited. Then I added the name of the place at the top. It's a great learning tool for the kids and helps them remember where we went.
The papers from the May kit worked perfectly for travel pictures, especially to these ancient sites. Creating this project made me miss our trip so much. It helps me relive the events and how amazing it was!



Blogger Unknown said...

Great idea Emelyn! Love how this turned out :)

6:28 PM  

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