Friday, November 28, 2008

Color Combos

I LOVE to look at creations with amazing color combos. Something about beautiful contrast and tones just jumps out at me. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at creating color combinations. I just happened to stumble across this fabulous blog on the ning network: Color Combos Galore. A new challenge is posted each Monday and you have until Sunday evening to post your creations. There are currently 97 color combos to browse through and you still have time to enter your creation for color combo 98. This would be such a fun way to use up any of those scraps you have left over from your SC kits.

I hope this gives you something fun and inspirational to do over the long weekend! Happy scrappin'!


Blogger Candace H said...

Very cool, Marcee! I think the Nov. kit would work nicely for this color combo. #98!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Found this through my stat counter, thanks for the mention! Our Color Combos can get quite interesting and are definitely FUN to play! Ahem, looks like that December kit is just PERFECT for the colors we happen to have lined up for next week! Hope to see you there!

3:41 PM  

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