Monday, November 24, 2008

Tip of the day......

I think it's important to have the correct tools when you work on anything whether it be crafting, cooking, or fixing your car. Here are the top 6 things (sorry I tried to narrow it down to 5 but couldn't!) I grab for most every time I create:

Crop-a-dile, I love that it's quiet, no pounding and it punches through most anything!

I call this my x-box! :) It' perfect for all of those little letters or embellishments that you either want permanently or semi-permanentely adhered to your projects. (**I LOVE this for my 1" letters that I cut from my cricut**) I belive the little hole will compensate for 2"
These little Cutter Bees are sharp! (They come with a cover) They are excellent for detailed cutting. I even have a pair that are non stick for easy cleaning and cutting through stickers.I LOVE this stuff! It glues metal, chipboard, beads, it's just great! And the best part? It's quick drying!
My trimmer is probably the thing I grab first every time I make anything. This trimmer I like because it folds in half, has a magnetic strip to hold things in place, measures so you can cut prescisley, and favorite part? Self sharpening blade! No more buying replacement blades!My cricut....I should name it, (it has it's own dust cover). There are so many things you can do with it, I love the fact that I can cut letters out of any paper I want. And the cartridges are varied enough not to be exactly the same. (it helps when you have friends who have different cartridges and you can share...)

These are my favorites, they work for me and make creating enjoyable! Enjoy!



Blogger Jennifer Yates said...

Fun stuff Diana! I love my MM trimmer too! I don't seem to use the Cricut that much right now!

8:40 PM  
Blogger Candace H said...

I'll have to try that Scotch glue! Don't have a Cricut, but I love my MM trimmer and bee scissors, too! And I need to find my "X-box", lol! Use my Crop-a-Dile and Big Bite all the time!

5:37 AM  

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