Monday, January 12, 2009

tip of the day....

Hello everyone!  Hope that you are having a fabulous day!  I LOVE to scrapbook, I love to look at other peoples pages and read the story behind them.  When I was a little girl my mom had BOXES of pictures and slides, I really enjoyed pulling them out and asking her who was in them and what their story was, I guess that is what really drives me.  I want my stories and memories to be told through my pages.   With that in my mind here is my tip for today....If you have grandmas, grandpas, your parents, whomever you want to interview in your family,  find out THEIR story.  

Here are 10 questions that might help you to get started:
1. When and where were you born?
2.What is your first memory as a child?
3. What was your childhood home like inside & out?
4. What did you do for fun as a child?
5. What was your favorite thing to eat?
6. Who were your best childhood friends?
7. What pets did you have a s child?
8. Did you participate in sports as a child?
9. What things did you hide from everyone else as your treasures?
10. What were your chores as a child?

I hope that these get you started and that you find out some interesting things of your family.  Enjoy!



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