Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ideas for Mini Books

Have you ever wanted to get started in on creating a mini book but just couldn't come up with a theme or an idea for what the subject would be? A while back I stumbled on this awesome list compiled by Charity Hassel (a fellow scrapbooker) of possible ideas for books and circle journals and I just had to are bound to find several that will make for a great book!

- things/people that bring you joy)
- Motivation (what motivates you)
- Family Recipes- Music (that motivates you, that you love, that reminds you of something, etc.)
- Favorite Color
- Favorite Vacation Spot
- Simple Pleasures
- Life Lessons
- Love Lessons
- Friendships
- How you spend your time
- Being a girl
-the 5 senses

- Favorite season
- Who you’d like to meet, alive or dead
- Quotes that move me
- Travel tips and techniques
- What Makes you happy
- girl talk
- The girl in the mirror
- My gifts
- Words to live by
- Things I’ve always wanted to know
- Favorite books
- Why I like being a girl
- Dreams
- My hero
- Inspirational teachers
- My favorite things
- Favorite moments
- Proud moments
- Self Portrait
- My hometown
- Hometown Travel Guide
- Most Memorable Moment
- What Make me Giggle
- A-z about me
- Finding your inner strength
- My circle of friends (about or among)
- Gratitude
- Where I’d like to travel
- What makes me blush
- All About Me
- Classic Ads
- Of Days Gone By
- IF (questions for the game of life
- each participant chooses a different question)
- If I were Queen for a day
- If I could go anywhere
- inspiration (photos, stories, quotes, etc.)
- Betcha Didn’t Know (things that most people don’t know about you)
- where I come from
- My First Dream Come True
- My Pet Peeve (lighthearted)
- Your Favorite Book
- My Country, My Home
- Hobbies
- Obstacles
- Flowers
- Poetry
- Lullabies
- Fables
- Pockets/Purses (what’s in the bottom of them)
- Women/People/ Person who’s influenced you-Your Favorite Photo
- Gal Pals
- My most prized possession
- My collection(s)
- My favorite texture(s)
- My favorite joke
- Things I want to do before I die
- My name
- Ode to Joy-Attitude of Gratitude
- Favorite ______ (you complete the theme)
- A Time to Remember- Lessons Learned
- The Power of Inspiration
- Creating- Truly, Madly, Deeply
- The Magic of Life- Heart & Soul
- What Matters Most
- Treasured Moments
- Reality Isn’t What It Used to Be
- Proud to Be An American
- Dancing With Age
- Gift of Words- A Day in the Life . . .
- Silence- Love Spoken Here
- Outside My Window
- My World And Welcome To It!
- Quiet Wonder
- Garden of Delight
- Simple Pleasures
- Planting An Impossible Garden
- Love Lessons
- Soul Prints
- Beyond Motivation
- Gardens of my Life
- Best Advice (Given & Received)
- The Fabric of Life
- Poetry _________ (you complete the theme)
- True Words- Audacious Wisdom
- There's No Place Like Home
- Elements of Me
- Nourishing Tradition- What's Cookin?
- The Power of Age
- Life's Seasons
- Wish Come True
- It's Love!
- Romancing the ____ (you complete the theme)
- First Impressions
- Journeys In My Life (travel related) or Where I’ve Been and What I’ve Seen
- How I Feel About Me, Now Lessons I’m Learning In My Second Half-Century
- What I Know Now…. Life Lessons from Strange Places
- Why I Don’t ……..??
- What I Know Now That I Wish I’d Known When I Was 20?
- Celebrating the Woman I’ve Become
- The Value of Values
- Favorite music
- Pieces of Me
- laughter
- what makes you laugh
- Art Inspires!
- pockets or tag journal
- Holidays of the Heart (favorite holidays or celebrations)
- You've Got a Friend
- Who or what helps you through life's bumps?)
- (what keeps you . . .) Forever Young at Heart
- Of A Certain Age- What's the Good Word? (a powerful word for you)
- Whim & Whimsy
- The Power of Inspiration
- The Circle of Life
- Gratitudes
- Mama Had a Dancing Heart
-Love Spoken Here
- Things I Know Now
- Life Recipes
- Words: Their Gifts & Truth- One Wish
- The Journey: Then & Now- Our Hometowns: Their Place in History & Sights to See- Life’s Definitions
- Life’s Journey: Who Are You?
- Wind Beneath My Wings- Lessons Learned . . . the Lighter Side
- Inner Music: What Makes Your Heart Sing
- The Many Hats of Life
- It Was a Very Good Year

Many of these would also make great starting off points for scrapbook layouts too!



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