Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Peek into the Future!

We believe that part of the fun of subscribing to our kits is having a new surprise pack of scrapbooking goodness delivered to your door each month.

But we also think that it's important that you have a little idea of what is coming so that you have something to really look forward to.

We have shipments from our CHA orders arriving almost daily and thought we'd let you have a peek at what we having coming in our next 3 kits!

Ready to create? I know I am.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

YUM!! I know what that is:) Can't wait!!

12:19 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Yates said...

This looks awesome! I will have to subscribe come May!!!

12:04 PM  
Blogger L.Wood-Sing4God said...

Everything looks so inviting =) I can't wait to start playing!

12:07 PM  
Blogger ahiltz said...

WOW! I love what I am seeing!!! You have some gorgeous stuff lined up! :)

4:29 PM  

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