Saturday, May 30, 2009


Are you all excited for the JUNE kit? It is SO full of bright colors -- all summery and warm. I went through my photos and found one of my family on vacation in Uruguay in 1989 at a famous beach -- perfect for this month's kit.

However, when I went to put on the title, I noticed -- OF COURSE -- that I was out of the letter "T" and the letter "S". So, I had to get creative. This was from a sticker alphabet from a kit last year. I took the sticker outline of the letters "T" and "S" and placed them (very carefully, and lightly) where I wanted the letters in my title. I then traced the letters in pencil and pulled up the sticky outline -- does that make sense?

I then used my black markers and colored in the shape of the letter. I took this photo up close and you can kind of tell that the "T" and "S" are a little different, but in the picture of the whole LO, you really can't tell -- and behind the plastic page protector -- you really can't tell!

Just another quick idea on how to make those sticker alphabets go further when you are missing letters! Although, I wish alphabet manufacturers would get it already and make TONS of extra "T"s, "S"s, and "E"s!!!! :) Here is the whole LO to enjoy! Happy JUNE to you all!


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