Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Storage Idea

I love using stickles and liquid pearls on my layouts. I had quite the little collection of these 2 items and I was storing them in a wicker basket. I needed to find a better solution, that's when I came across my friend's blog, who had used magnets to put her bottles of stickles on the wall. Since I couldn't use wall space I decided to put my containers upside down on the lower shelf of my scrap supplies storage. I use double sided sticky velcro to hold these in place. It is the perfect solution, my bottles are no longer clogged and they are right in front of me when I'm working. I hope that you'll enjoy this idea and make it your own too.

Happy organizing!


Blogger Claude said...

That is a great idea, although I don't have nearly as many Stickles bottles as you do, lol!

6:23 AM  

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