Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Storage Ideas

Hello everyone! This is my first blog post as part of the Scrapbook Circle DT, I am quite excited!

As scrapbookers, we tend to buy and buy new stuff and then end up not using it. The best way to use up your stash is to organize it in a way that works for you. For example, some people like to store their patterned paper by manufacturers while others store them by colour. You might have to try a few different ways before you find what works best for you.

I found that I use my stash a lot more if I seperate everything by colour. My brads are in little containers, my ribbon in Ziploc bags and my random embellishments in 12x12 drawers. Here's a picture of my scrap space I posted on my blog back in February. In case you are wondering about my amazing paper rack, my husband had it made for me by a wood worker a few Christmases ago. He also made me the glass table which is waist-high, since I like to work standing up. I know, I'm lucky! ;)

If you are in need of a few ideas, visit the Crafty Storage blog. Scrappers like you and me send in their ideas, you are bound to find something that works for you. Don't forget to share your ideas with us!!


Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Claude, thanks for sharing your scrappy space with us! I'm just a little bit jealous!

6:38 AM  

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