Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When in doubt... Use Stickles and pop-dots!

Hello everyone! Here is a layout I made using the sold out May kit. First off, let me tell you how happy this yellow-with-white-dots American Crafts paper makes me! My friends will attest to this: I have said that more than once! :)

This kit is so bright and fun! Yet, I managed to make what I feel is a soft and peaceful layout with it. Don't be afraid of colour!

I also added Stickles to the Jillibean Alphabeans. Cinnamon Stickles are an exact match to these brown letters. As you can see from this close-up, you don't have to be too perfect when covering your letters. Once you see the layout as a whole, the imperfections dont show.

I also really like to use pop-dots on my layouts, to give it some dimension. Here, I used some behind a Fancy Pants card. It's subtle, but I like the end result.

Have a great week everyone! I just might have a peek from June's kit next Tuesday! ;)


Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Never thought about adding stickles to alpha stickers...thanks for the fun tip!

8:26 AM  

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