Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cutting Out Patterns

I love cutting out patterns from pattern paper. Yes, this can be a tedious task but the end result is so very rewarding. In the layout below that I created with the June kit, I cut out the waves from the Fancy Pants pattern paper. I then proceed to highlight the edges with a white signo pen. This gives more definition to my pattern.

A couple of tips for cutting out patterns:
* you should use very sharp fine tip scissors or exacto knife
* working on a rubber type surface like a cutting mat helps a lot
* and the most important tip of all, don't rush!!! Because if you do go too fast, you might end up tearing the paper.

I hope this will inspire you to take your scissors to your pattern paper and cut out the shapes on it.

Happy creating!



Blogger Sarah Weber said...

Wow love those waves...sometimes the pp overwhelms that shows how you can still use it and not have to much pattern to deal with! thanks for the tip!

10:58 AM  

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