Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Scrapping the moments.

How are you on this fine morning? Have you gone swimming yet? We've been in the pool a couple of times now, the kids enjoy it so much! My husband Keith surprised me with a floating chaise lounge, so I've been enjoying the pool without having to actually submerge myself in the cold 72 degree water!

I'm here today to talk to you about scrapping the "little moments" in your life or your kids' life. We hear that a lot, people categorizing themselves as "moments" scrappers or "events" scrapper. Are they mutually exclusive? I don't think so. Although I consider myself a "moments" scrapper, I still scrap the occasional event, like birthdays, vacations, or holidays. What I absolutely *love* scrapping about, however, are the little things my kids do or say. Take this layout I created with the June kit. On one hand I had a random picture of Kira, a picture I loved, but had no specific story attached to it. On the other hand, I had a notebook with this little story inside. Put together, it gave me this:

I keep a notebook with me at all times to jot down all the little things I hear them say. That way, I always have something to write about. If you read my blog, you will notice that I also take a lot of my journaling directly from there. This is what happened with the following layout. I lifted my journaling from this post.

Here's another layout about a cute thing my son has said. I'm glad I'll get to read this again in 20 years and be reminded of how much I laughed when I heard him say this!

Now, you don't *have* to have a story for every picture. A layout like this next one, created with the May kit, is totally acceptable. I call these types of layouts "just because layouts". Just because I love the picture. But all in all, my favourite layouts are always the ones about real-life "moments".

Thanks for stopping by!


Blogger Claire Mercado-Obias said...

Kids say the most awesome things! They're small but so smart! This is a great idea to remember all those things they said and great to look back on when they're grown up =)

8:36 AM  

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