Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Ever use an anagram solver for scrapbooking?

How are you on this fine morning? I say "fine", but it's actually wet and gloomy here. My head is quite gloomy too: I'm fighting off a migraine for the second day in a row. So I hope you understand if I make this short and sweet!

If you're like me, you have tons of letter stickers. But what to do with them when most of the letters are gone? When you can't see what word you could make with the remaining ones? Sure, you could mix and match your alphas. Or (I shudder at the thought!) you could throw out what's left.

Before you do that, check out this anagram solver. Simply enter up to 12 of the remaining letters. It will give you all the 2 to 12 letter words you can make with those letters. Sooner or later, you will make a layout on which you can use one of those words as a title. Trust me, I've salvaged more than one alpha sheet that I thought was doomed!

Let me know how that goes!


Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Claude, what a fun post today! Thanks for the clever idea...I can't tell you how many times I have stood at my scrappy table & wondered what sort of title I could come up with using these letters....LOL!

6:47 AM  
Blogger Candace H said...

How COOL is this? Thank you!

6:00 AM  

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